Not / Not yet / Not anymore / Maybe / Motherhood
show at Syker Vorwerk - Center for Contemporary Art in Syke Germany. From December 11, 2022, to 26. February 2023Curated By Nicole Giese
The show had, the Indian goddesses from the Sister Misfortune graphic series. - along with my Podcast with Felizitas Stilleke.
The Non Mother is part of the landscape of Motherhood, as that's the part that brings choice to its forefront. The choice to not have children is one that we have had to explain and to avoid offence, even apologize for. Over the years I have grown to appreciate my choice and celebrate it without having to defend it. The world should not be a war zone between the two . It's a space for choice and doing what we know as right for ourselves. It's not what you choose but why you choose it. And that's a dialogue with yourself more than anything else. Mother or non mother, our role is secure.The exhibition "Motherhood. Not / Not yet / Not anymore / Maybe / Motherhood" discusses this along with many other nuances of being a woman.
Sister Misfortune brings forgotten and untold mythologies into the dialogue.

Curatorial Note
Motherhood is a topic that touches everyone. Whether she:he takes on the role of mother her:himself or not. Biologically, all people have or had a mother.The concept of motherhood and its definition is complex. Hardly any concept provokes more diverse associations, feelings and role clichés and has changed again and again over the millennia of human history.
The exhibition "Motherhood. Not / Not yet / Not anymore / Maybe / Motherhood" Curated by Nicole Giese-Kroner shows how the image of motherhood and mothering is reflected in contemporary art. The positions of the exhibition highlight the different aspects of motherhood in the biological, psychological and social sense.
A theme of the exhibition, which is not ignored, is also non-motherhood. This chapter is
brought forth in many ways: stories of not wanting to be, not being able to be, and loss.
Another aspect of the exhibition is the still ambivalent relationship of the art and culture
industry towards artists who choose motherhood.

The Mother in Me is the Mother in You II
Felizitas Stilleke & Smruthi Gargi Eswar
curated by Felizitas Stilleke at BALLHAUSOST - Berlin Germany April 2021Podcast In Ballhous Ost Berlin -

A long durational art piece of feminist story telling in Indian mythology, non motherhood and all sorts of other adventures. In conversation with and curated by Felizitas Stilleke in Ballhaus Ost Berlin.
Live podcast session - December 12, 2021, 6.00 pm
1-on-1 reading of the Sister Misfortune Tarot Cards
Video tutorials »How to Sister Misfortune« & Pod Cast on -
Archive of the first five podcast sessions. -
Photo Credit : Graz Diez